Doppelgangers. A word with German origins that is defined as the double, either physically real or imagined, of a person. You are most likely to have experienced this form of deja vu at least once in your life whether you thought to have passed the same person on a street one day even though they were wearing two completely different outfits or realizing that the friend you waved at from across a cafeteria line was, in fact, not your friend. This thought has gone back for centuries, appearing in the earliest forms of human recordings. The Hindus believed that every person is born with 4 brothers who will watch over them their entire life. Different people have different thoughts on this subject. Doppelgangers have also been a hot topic in popular culture in the past few years, appearing in such forms as clones in the Orphan Black television series to a neurotic disorder suffered by the ballerina Nina in the movie The Black Swan. So what are doppelgangers? Twins we never knew we had? The infinite realities of the universe folding into each other? One drink too many? The possibilities and theories are endless. It has been estimated by prestigious scientists that there are approximately 7 people in the world who look exactly like you. Don’t believe in this theory? Research is currently being carried out by willing volunteers who are searching the globe this very second to find their long lost doppelgangers. We have therefore rounded up the most known celebrity doppelgangers in order to show you that you are not alone.
1. Amy Adams and Isla Fisher

Amy Adams is a 43 year old actress from Vicenza Italy wh has appeared in films such as Enchanted and American Hustle. Isla Fisher is 42 year old actress from Muscat Oman who has starred in films such as Now You See Me and Tag. These two are a popular, and clearly noticed pair of celebrity doppelgangers. The common attributes between the two are obvious; their close age, noticeable red hair and protruding cheekbones. Misconceptions in the media about who was exactly who and who was in which movie led the two look alike actresses to repeatedly alert the media about their mistakes in multiple interviews. The two actresses are so aware of this fact that, as a joke, Isla Fisher used Amy Adams picture on her Christmas cards and distributed them to her family without them knowing. The best part of this story? None of her family or friends noticed the difference!
2. Phil Lester and Josh Ramsay

Phil Lester is a 31 year old YouTube blogger from Rawtenstall, United kingdom who has posted videos under the name AmazingPhil. Josh Ramsay is a 33 year old pop rock singer from Abbotsford Canada and is the leading man in the Canadian pop punk band Marianas Trench. The two boys, although on opposite sides of the world ad doing opposite jobs, share a common population when it comes to their fan bases. This led certain fans of both the youtuber and the musician to alert the two of their similarities. The two therefore, have made arrangements to reach out to the the other, but without much luck. It must be noted that this fact is stated to be true before the singer Josh Ramsay drastically changed hair styles from a medium length black cut ( similar to Phil’s past and current hair style) to a long and blond shag.
3. Chris Rock and Kevin Hart

Chris Rock (known unmanly as his full name Christopher Julius Rock the third) is a 53 year old comedian from Andrews, South Carolina, United States and has been in films such as The Week Off and Everybody Hates Chris. Kevin Darnell Hart is a 38 year old comedian from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States and has been in films such as central intelligence and Jumanji. The two, although heavily separated by age, show very similar attributes such as dark skin tone, a common short hair cut and unforgettably white smile. Their common occupation of actor and comedian also play into the mix. Although one of the less commonly known celebrity doppelgangers, these two do share these qualities quite visibly. So much so, that their names are often mixed up when having to describe exactly who was in what film and exactly who made what joke since the common themes running throughout their comedic strides often fall into the same categories as well.
4. A young Emilio Estevez and Matt Webb

Emilio Estevez is a 56 year old actor from Staten Island, New York City, New York, United States who has starred in such films such as the Breakfast club and The Mighty Ducks. Matt Webb is a 31 year old pop rock singer and guitarist in Vancouver, Canada who is in the pop punk band called Marianas Trench. Now, this form of celebrity doppelganger must be taken into consideration when looking at a young Emilio Estevez, around the time of his early 30s, to see the similarities between the two men. They both resemble each other in the way that they both had medium length and brown swept hair, dented dimples and close together eyes. The two, although heavily separated by age, show very similar attributes. It must also be taken when comparing the two celebrities, that when viewed at from the same age in their lives, they both had the same deep voice although one used this personal trait for acting and the other for singing.
5. John Gallant and Mike Ayley

John Gallant is a 41 year old bassist from Mississauga, Canada who plays in the Canadian rock band Billy Talent. Mike Ayley is a 37 year old bassist from the Canadian pop rock band Marianas Trench. These two handsome musicians truly are two strings on the same guitar if you know what I’m saying! Not only are these two fellows both Canadian, but they are also both bassists on the spectrum of rock music. Onto the appearance side of things, both men are lovable plump in body stature, have high standing black hair and also wear a common fashion of vintage t-shirts and denim jeans. It is unknown to the public of these two men have consulted their doppelganger effects but it is highly probable to happen eventually due to their common job and geographic location. Play on boys, play on.
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